
Susan Boylan

Welcome! I’m a passionate wordsmith with a deep love for language and storytelling. My journey began with crafting tales to entertain myself, and I decided to take that to the next level and help individuals express themselves in the most impactful way possible.

With a keen eye for detail and a knack for narrative, I offer proofreading services that ensure your words are not only grammatically correct but also resonate with your intended audience. 

In addition to being an avid reader and a meticulous proofreader, I am a bus driver for special needs students. This role has enriched my life, teaching me patience, empathy, and the joy of making a difference in a child’s day. 

As of January 1, 2024, I have been volunteering with Distributed Proofreaders and am happy to say that one of the books I worked on has now been published: 

Tarzan, lord of the jungle by Edgar Rice Burroughs | Project Gutenberg

I will update this section as more of my volunteer projects become available for reading. 

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